One of the Surprising Keys to a Successful Job Transition

People come to me in all stages of a career change – some are thinking about making a change, some have recently been laid off, and some have been looking for a while without the success they expected.

Anyone with a solid resume and decent interview skills can land a new job eventually (albeit sometimes a painfully long process) but at the heart of a successful job transition is actually being happy with where you end up on the other side of the change. Job seekers are often anxious to land something that they end up taking a role that 6 months later leaves them wanting to start looking again. That’s a rough feeling and tough on the resume as well.

So how do you avoid this?

In my years as a career coach, I’ve found one of the surprising keys to making a successful job transition is doing values work. I say this is surprising because so few people do this work as part of their career planning. So what is values work? Values work is diving into the things that matter most to you in your life and, in particular, in your professional life then using those core values as guiding principles in making your career decisions. This work becomes a guiding light to help you steer career decision-making.

The process of taking a step back to understand what matters most to you will help you make a better longer-term career decision. This is work I do with my clients in a 1-hr session that ultimately leads to them feeling empowered in their job search and affirmed when making the decision on which role to accept.

Please feel free to reach out to me at if I can help you get in touch with what should ideally be driving your current or future job transition beyond the obvious things that are already on all our minds such as compensation, job security, work/life balance, etc.

Merryn Roberts-Huntley